We’re going to break down how to do characters in role playing. The focus is on quickly developing a character and feeling comfortable staying in the character while saying sexy things.
Here you can explore role playing in a fun, safe environment. Figure out characters and play with dominant and/or submissive roles. No nudity, no kissing, no touching, all fun. This class can be done individually, as a duo, trio or more. If you come in as a duo or more you can decide to stay with specific scene partners or you can play openly with others in the group.
This is for people who would want to use these skills in their bedrooms with their partners. To just stay in a character or feel more comfortable doing a character if that’s something you ever wanted to try and weren’t sure how to go about it.
If you don't feel dominant in the bedroom, safely learn how to take charge and stay in power. If you feel like you always take the dominant role and want to be the submissive role, you will learn how to do that.
It’s truly geared toward staying in a character, how to improvise dialogue, and how switch between dominant and submissive roles.